Monday 18 October 2010

Expanded cinema

Tony Hill - Point of Source 1973

"Expanded Cinema identifies a film and video practice which activates the live context of watching, transforming cinema's historical and cultural 'architectures of reception' into sites of cinematic experience that are heterogeneous, performative and non-determined"
(Expanded Cinema - Activating the Space of Reception,2009,last accessed 18/10/10)

Stan Vanderbeek is considered one of the pioneers of computer animation and multimedia art.He coined in the 1960's the expression "Expanded cinema" to indentify the process of using film in art developed from early twentieth Century avant-gardes movements that combined together filmmaking, media-technologies and performance art.His early films from the 1955 to 1965 involved animating paintings, drawings and collages; he would cut out pictures from magazines and books and combine them together in order to create different surreal images. His ironic juxtaposition were inspired by Max Ernst's dada collages and had the wild rough informality of the Expressionism of the Beat Generation.
(Moritz, W., "Stan Vanderbeek Biography",,last accessed 18/10/10)

«Influenced by Buckminster Fuller’s spheres, Vanderbeek had the idea for a spherical theater where people would lie down and experience movies all around them. Floating multi-images would replace straight one-dimensional film projection. From 1957 on, Vanderbeek produced film sequences for the Movie-Drome, which he started building in 1963. His intention went far beyond the building itself and moved into the surrounding biosphere, the cosmos, the brain and even extraterrestrial intelligence.»
(Jürgen C.,Leonardo, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2003, p. 229.)

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