Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Making of the model

During easter holydays I have been making the model of the national theatre, trying to be as accurate as possible. The model is still under construction, but i reckon it will be finished soon. I have really tried my best to make it look good and I worked night and day.. Working with the sketch model before was useful, but I needed to make a final one so that i could actually understand the surfaces of the building and decide how to project on them. Next step is going to be creating some sort of animation with after effect, trying to draw 3dimensionally on the model so that the projections fit the surfaces...hopefully it will work and turn into something positive! I am more and more convinced about the idea of the augmented reality, working with the idea of space and time. Everything around moves, and even if architecture is still, it changes everyday because, like all the other things,it exists in time. and time inevitably transforms everything, even if it is just small impercetible changes...and this is what i would like to highlight with my projections...that the building is moving together with the surrounding environment.

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